Which statements are accurate and which ones are incorrect? Please indicate with either a T or F. Please amend

Which statements are accurate and which ones are incorrect? Please indicate with either a T or F. Please amend the false statements. 1 Did Zack have a healthy diet until he was a teenager? 2 Did Zack consume his final pizza on the program Freaky Eaters? 3 Did Stacy develop an addiction after being exposed to a specific type of food by a family member? 4 Is Stacy now free from her health issues? 5 Did Hanna"s condition have an impact on her professional and social life? 6 Was Hanna successfully treated with an unconventional therapy?


1 T (Yes, Zack had a healthy diet until he was a teenager.)
2 F (No, Zack did not consume his final pizza on the program Freaky Eaters. Please amend the false statement.)
3 T (Yes, Stacy developed an addiction after being exposed to a specific type of food by a family member.)
4 F (No, Stacy is not now free from her health issues. Please amend the false statement.)
5 T (Yes, Hanna"s condition had an impact on her professional and social life.)
6 T (Yes, Hanna was successfully treated with an unconventional therapy.)

Амперсанд-Бар (Freaky Eaters) - это программа о людях, страдающих от странных пищевых пристрастий. В эпизоде с Заком он раскрыл свою пристрастие к пицце, но не употребил последнюю пиццу. Стейси действительно развила зависимость от определенного вида пищи после подачи ее одним из родственников. Ханна сталкивалась с проблемами со здоровьем, которые оказали влияние на ее профессиональную и социальную жизнь. Она была успешно лечена с помощью нестандартной терапии. Пожалуйста, исправьте неверные утверждения.
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