When did Sarah Knauss pass away? In which state did Sarah live when she died? In which state of the USA was Sarah

When did Sarah Knauss pass away?
In which state did Sarah live when she died?
In which state of the USA was Sarah residing when she breathed her last?
When Sarah Knauss died, where was she living?
In Pennsylvania, USA, Sarah Knauss resided for her entire life, but where was she when she died?

When Sarah Knauss died on December 30, 1999, where did she reside?
At the time of her death, who was living longer than Sarah?
Who was the person who had lived longer than Sarah when she died?
Who was the only person living longer than Sarah at the time of her passing?

Did Sarah Knauss die in Pennsylvania or another state?
Where did Sarah Knauss spend her entire life before dying?
In which state did Sarah Knauss live her whole life until her death?
Did Sarah Knauss live in Pennsylvania when she passed away?


Sarah Knauss passed away on December 30, 1999. Она скончалась 30 декабря 1999 года.

At the time of her death, Sarah was living in Pennsylvania. Она жила в Пенсильвании, США, в момент своей смерти.

Sarah had been residing in Pennsylvania, USA for her entire life, and she was still living there when she died. Она прожила всю свою жизнь в Пенсильвании, США, и была там, когда скончалась.

When Sarah Knauss died on December 30, 1999, she resided in Pennsylvania. Когда Сара Кнаус умерла 30 декабря 1999 года, она проживала в Пенсильвании.

At the time of her death, Jeanne Calment was living longer than Sarah. В момент своей смерти, Жанна Кальман прожила дольше Сары.

The person who had lived longer than Sarah when she died was Jeanne Calment. Жанна Кальман прожила дольше Сары, когда та скончалась.

At the time of her passing, Jeanne Calment was the only person living longer than Sarah. В момент ее смерти, Жанна Кальман была единственным человеком, который проживал дольше Сары.
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