What is your knowledge about koalas? Are they found in multiple regions of the world? What is the weight of a koala?

What is your knowledge about koalas? Are they found in multiple regions of the world? What is the weight of a koala? How does the appearance of a baby koala resemble? Do koalas construct nests? exist, construct, rest, lead, reside, observe, mass, reside Koalas do not lead (1) an active lifestyle. They do (2) rest for up to 19 hours per day. Koalas do not (3) reside in any other place besides Australia. On average, a koala does not (4) weigh much, typically ranging from 15 to 30 pounds. A baby koala does (5) appear very small and (6) perceive anything.


Коалы не ведут активный образ жизни (1). Они проводят до 19 часов в день в состоянии покоя (2). Коалы не обитают (3) нигде, кроме Австралии. В среднем, вес коалы не слишком большой и обычно составляет от 15 до 30 фунтов (4). Маленький коаленок выглядит очень маленьким (5) и практически ничего не воспринимает (6).
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