10.6.15 Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form. 1 A: What caused the family to relocate?

10.6.15 Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the correct form.
1 A: What caused the family to relocate? (decide)
B: They made the decision to immigrate to Canada for a better life for themselves. (make)
2 A: Lisa enjoys visiting different countries, doesn"t she? (travel)
B: Yes, and she is really excited about going to France next month. (visit)
3 A: Can you sponsor my application to move to the US, Aunt Jane? (sponsor)
B: Yes, I"d be glad to assist you with that. (do)
4 A: Wasn"t that documentary about Ellis Island so interesting? (watch)
B: Yes, we watched a group of immigrants entering the country for the first time. (enter)


5 A: Have you ever met someone from a different culture? (meet) B: Yes, I had the opportunity to meet an exchange student from Japan last year. (have) 6 A: Did the new policy affect the number of students in the school? (impact) B: Yes, it had a significant impact and caused a decrease in the student population. (have) 7 A: Do you know why they decided to leave their home country? (leave) B: They left due to political instability and the lack of economic opportunities. (leave) 8 A: Are you considering studying abroad? (consider) B: Yes, I am considering applying to universities in the United Kingdom. (consider) 9 A: Did you enjoy learning about different cultures in your history class? (enjoy) B: Yes, I really enjoyed studying and understanding various cultural traditions. (enjoy) 10 A: Will the new immigrants need to learn the local language? (need) B: Yes, it is essential for them to learn the language in order to integrate into the community. (need)
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