What is the main idea of the text? A she-wolf climbed onto the roof of a haystack and started pawing away at the straw

What is the main idea of the text? A she-wolf climbed onto the roof of a haystack and started pawing away at the straw. The straw was rotten, so the she-wolf almost fell through. She could smell the warm steam and the scent of manure and sheep"s milk. Down below, sensing the cold, a lamb softly bleated. Jumping into the hole, the she-wolf landed on something soft and warm... She grabbed the first thing she could in her teeth and ran away... She ran, while at the same time an Arabella howled, chickens clucked, and the guard shouted and whistled. When everything grew silent, the she-wolf began to realize that her prey was heavier and firmer than the usual lambs at this time... The she-wolf.


Главная идея текста состоит в том, что волчица нашла укрытие на крыше сеновала, пыталась достать солому, но провалилась сквозь нее. Внизу был слышен писк ягненка, ощущающего холод. В итоге волчица спрыгнула во внезапно образовавшуюся дыру и оказалась на мягком и теплом предмете. Взяв что-то в зубы, она убежала, вызвав шум и возмущение. Когда все стихло, волчица продолжила свой путь.
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