Spotlight-6. Module 1. V-I Write the nationalities. Complete the sentences with the correct word. Driving nationality

Spotlight-6. Module 1. V-I Write the nationalities. Complete the sentences with the correct word. Driving nationality twins deserts capital credit wavy north slim middle late rivers Russia is a beautiful country with numerous seas, ………. and lakes. In Africa, there are numerous ………. What ………. is he from? - He’s French. My grandparents are in their ………. sixties. Does Dan have a ………. license? Laura has two brothers. They are ………. Choose the correct option. This camera does not belong to me. What is her address? This school does not belong to us. That black car over there belongs to them. What is the


is the name of your cat? This is not my book.


Russia is a beautiful country with numerous seas, rivers, and lakes. (Россия - это красивая страна с многочисленными морями, реками и озерами.)

In Africa, there are numerous deserts. (В Африке есть много пустынь.)

What nationality is he from? - He’s French. (Из какой он национальности? - Он француз.)

My grandparents are in their late sixties. (Мои бабушка и дедушка находятся в своих поздних шестидесятых.)

Does Dan have a driving license? (У Дэна есть водительские права?)

Laura has two brothers. They are twins. (У Лауры два брата. Они близнецы.)

Выберите правильный вариант.

This camera does not belong to me. (Эта камера не принадлежит мне.)

What is her address? (Какой у нее адрес?)

This school does not belong to us. (Эта школа не принадлежит нам.)

That black car over there belongs to them. (Тот черный автомобиль там принадлежит им.)

What is the name of your cat? (Как зовут вашего кота?)

This is not my book. (Это не моя книга.)
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