Прочитать диалог, выбрать правильный ответ. Non-traditional musical instruments My relative is involved in the world

Прочитать диалог, выбрать правильный ответ. Non-traditional musical instruments My relative is involved in the world of music, but he (1 )….. conventional musical tools such as the piano or the guitar - (2)….. atypical instruments. (3)….he has a compilation of (4)….. musical tools originating from various regions of the globe. They are extraordinary. One particular instrument that I really appreciate is a rain stick. (5)…. This unique instrument is of Native American origin and is from Peru.


1) Не пользуется
2) Использует
3) Несмотря на это
4) Нетрадиционных
5) Этот уникальный инструмент.
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