Match the titles to the paragraphs of the text. extra. A. UNITY WITHIN THE FAMILY B. LOVE AS A TOOL FOR SURVIVAL

Match the titles to the paragraphs of the text. extra. A. UNITY WITHIN THE FAMILY B. LOVE AS A TOOL FOR SURVIVAL IN DISASTERS C. OVERCOMING EVIL D. A SAD OCCURRENCE E. CAUTION IN THE WILDERNESS One of the titles is 5. Adaptation; Alan acquires the skills to protect and care for the children, while the kids learn how to survive in the wilderness. 3. The Impossible is a family drama that takes place during the 2004 Asian tsunami. It depicts people being swept away and killed by the massive wave, which is an immense tragedy. The story revolves around the unwavering love between a mother and son, demonstrating their unwavering dedication to each other.


4. and her three sons, who are separated during the disaster. Despite facing seemingly insurmountable odds, the mother embarks on a perilous journey to find her children and reunite the family.

1. Unity within the family is a predominant theme in The Impossible. The film showcases the importance of family bonds and the lengths parents are willing to go to protect their children. Through their shared love and determination, the family members support and rely on each other, demonstrating the strength that comes from unity.

2. Love is portrayed as a powerful tool for survival in disasters. The mother"s unwavering love for her children motivates her to persevere through the immense challenges presented by the tsunami. This love drives her to search for her lost children, keeping her hopeful and resilient even in the face of adversity.

5. Adaptation is another theme explored in The Impossible. As the family is thrust into a life-or-death situation in the wilderness, they must quickly learn to adapt to their new environment. Alan, the father, takes on the role of protector and provider, acquiring necessary survival skills. The children also learn to navigate the unfamiliar terrain, gaining resilience and resourcefulness in the process.

3. The tragic events depicted in The Impossible show the devastating impact of natural disasters. The immense loss of life and destruction caused by the tsunami underscores the destructive power of nature and the vulnerability of human beings. The film serves as a reminder of the need for caution and preparedness when living in areas prone to such disasters.

4. Overcoming evil is a central theme in The Impossible. While the disaster itself is a sad occurrence, the film highlights acts of kindness and compassion amidst the chaos. Strangers come together to help each other and provide support, showing that even in the face of tragedy, good can emerge, and humanity can prevail.

So, to match the titles to the paragraphs:
1. Unity within the family - Paragraph 1
2. Love as a tool for survival in disasters - Paragraph 2
3. Overcoming evil - Paragraph 4
4. A sad occurrence - Paragraph 3
5. Adaptation - Paragraph 5
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