Изучите текст и выполните задания Bed of the Turkic World Altai has great significance for the history of the Kazakhs

Изучите текст и выполните задания Bed of the Turkic World Altai has great significance for the history of the Kazakhs and other Eurasian peoples. For centuries, these majestic mountains have not only adorned the lands of Kazakhstan but also served as the cradle of the Turks. It was here in the middle of the 1st millennium BC that the Turkic world originated, marking a new era in the life of the Great Steppe. History and geography have shaped a unique model of succession for Turkic states and great steppe empires. Over many centuries, they have successively replaced each other, leaving a significant impact on the economic, political, and


a significant impact on the region"s culture, language, and political landscape.

One of the most important outcomes of the Turkic world"s formation was the establishment of the first Turkic Khanate, known as the Göktürk Khaganate. The Göktürk Khaganate emerged in the 6th century AD and played a crucial role in shaping subsequent Turkic states. It was a confederation of several tribes, united under a single leadership, and governed by the laws of the "Yasa" - a strict code of conduct.

The Göktürks not only expanded their territory but also contributed to the development of a writing system for the Turkic languages. This system, known as the Orkhon script, was an early form of runic writing and is considered the oldest known script used to write Turkic languages.

Following the collapse of the Göktürk Khaganate, various Turkic states rose to prominence in different parts of Central Asia and Eastern Europe. One of the notable states was the Karakhanid Khanate, established in the 9th century. The Karakhanids were known for their patronage of arts and sciences, contributing to the overall cultural growth of the region.

Another powerful Turkic state was the Seljuk Empire, which emerged in the 11th century. The Seljuks conquered vast territories, including parts of Central Asia, the Middle East, and Anatolia. They played a significant role in spreading Islam throughout the region and left a lasting impact on the political and cultural landscape.

In the 13th century, the Mongol Empire, led by Genghis Khan, swept across Central Asia, including the Turkic lands. The Mongols ruled over the region for several centuries and influenced the Turkic states that followed. During this period, the Timurid Empire, led by Timur (Tamerlane), emerged as a powerful Turkic state in the 14th century. Timurid art and architecture, with its intricate designs and grandeur, still inspire awe today.

With the decline of the Mongols, new Turkic states emerged, including the Kazakh Khanate. The Kazakh Khanate played a crucial role in the history of Kazakhstan and the preservation of the Kazakh identity. It resisted external invasions, maintained its nomadic way of life, and fostered a unique Kazakh culture.

Today, the Turkic world extends beyond the borders of Kazakhstan and encompasses several countries, including Turkey, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, and Kyrgyzstan. The Turkic Council, established in 2009, aims to strengthen ties between these nations and promote cooperation in various fields.

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