Is he fond of insects? ❌ No, he isn t. Does she enjoy watching TV? ✔️ Yes, she does. Can your friends play the piano?

Is he fond of insects? ❌ No, he isn"t. Does she enjoy watching TV? ✔️ Yes, she does. Can your friends play the piano? ✔️ Yes, they can. Is his parrot"s wing broken? ❌ No, it isn"t. Do you make regular visits to the zoo? ❌ No, I don"t. Is Mark involved in football? ✔️ Yes, he is.


, he is. Thank you for your question! Let"s go through each statement and provide a detailed explanation for the answer.

1. Is he fond of insects? ❌ No, he isn"t.
In this sentence, the word "fond" suggests having a liking or interest in something. Since the answer is "no," it means that he does not have an interest in insects. This implies that he is not fond of insects.

2. Does she enjoy watching TV? ✔️ Yes, she does.
With this statement, the word "enjoy" indicates deriving pleasure or satisfaction from watching TV. Since the answer is "yes," it confirms that she does enjoy watching TV. This implies that she finds pleasure in this activity.

3. Can your friends play the piano? ✔️ Yes, they can.
The word "can" refers to the ability or capability to perform a particular action. Since the answer is "yes," it confirms that the friends are capable of playing the piano. This implies that they possess the necessary skills to play this musical instrument.

4. Is his parrot"s wing broken? ❌ No, it isn"t.
In this statement, the word "broken" suggests that the wing of his parrot might be damaged or fractured. Since the answer is "no," it indicates that the parrot"s wing is not broken. This implies that the parrot"s wing is in a healthy state.

5. Do you make regular visits to the zoo? ❌ No, I don"t.
With this sentence, the phrase "regular visits" implies visiting the zoo frequently or on a consistent basis. The answer "no" indicates that the person does not make regular visits to the zoo. This implies that the person does not go to the zoo often or consistently.

6. Is Mark involved in football? ✔️ Yes, he is.
In this statement, the word "involved" suggests participation or engagement. Since the answer is "yes," it confirms that Mark is involved in football. This implies that Mark participates or engages in football activities.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with!
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