II. Select a verb from the list to complete the sentences with present or past simple . Complete, go, have, be. Peter

II. Select a verb from the list to complete the sentences with "present" or "past simple". Complete, go, have, be. Peter usually 1) worked at 4:30 pm. Yesterday he 2) went at 1:00 pm. He usually 3) has gone home by train. Yesterday he 4) went home by taxi. He usually 5) has dinner at home. Yesterday he 6) had dinner in a restaurant with his friends. He usually 7) goes to bed early. Yesterday he 8) went to bed late because it 9) was his birthday. III. Change the verbs in parentheses to the "past simple". Pamela: What 1) did last weekend? Tony: I 2) went to my cousin"s house. Pamela: 3) Was it far? Tony: No, it only 4) took us 30 minutes.


1) Peter usually worked at 4:30 pm. Yesterday he went at 1:00 pm. He usually goes home by train. Yesterday he went home by taxi. He usually has dinner at home. Yesterday he had dinner in a restaurant with his friends. He usually goes to bed early. Yesterday he went to bed late because it was his birthday.

1) Pamela: What did you do last weekend?
2) Tony: I went to my cousin"s house.
3) Pamela: Was it fun?
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