I. Rewrite the sentences, using punctuation marks. 1. Well, tell me, he said, who did you see in your dream? 2. Tanya

I. Rewrite the sentences, using punctuation marks. 1. "Well, tell me," he said, "who did you see in your dream?" 2. "Tanya says she will die, but her death is kind from him." 3. "Why did the evening hide itself so early?", was Oleenkin"s first thought. "I will be with her," but where, Zarinsky wonders, where is your second?" 6. "Well, here is your bed ready," said the landlady. "Goodbye, Father, I wish you a peaceful night." 7. "Ba, ba, ba!", he exclaimed, raising both hands at the sight of Chichikov, "What kind of fate awaits him?" 8. "Not today," said Ivan Antonovich. "We need to gather more information. Are there any restrictions?" 9. "Mikheev died," said Sobakevich, his brother, without any disturbance.


"Хорошо, расскажи мне," - сказал он, - "кого ты видела во сне?"
"Таня говорит, что умрет, но ее смерть для него - добрая."
"Почему вечер так рано скрылся?" - подумал Оленька. "Я буду с ней", но где, задается вопросом Заринский, где твой второй?"
"Ну что, вот ваша постель готова", - сказала хозяйка. "Прощай, отец, я желаю тебе спокойной ночи."
"Ба, ба, ба!", воскликнул он, поднимая обе руки при виде Чичикова, "Какая участь его ожидает?"
"Не сегодня", - сказал Иван Антонович. "Нам нужно собраться, чтобы
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