For his eleventh birthday, Elvis Presley received (a1) - a guitar that cost $57.75. The guitar was purchased at Tupela Hardware Company. At the age of 13, when he (a2) - today, Elvis and his family relocated to Memphis. During their time (a3) there, he was influenced by blues and gospel music. At the age of 14, Elvis performed with this guitar at a high school concert, causing all the girls to go wild. He dropped out of school at 18 and found work as a driver, during which he recorded the song "That"s All Right." It started playing on the radio and gained popularity thanks to
to its unique sound. When Elvis turned 21, he signed a contract with RCA Records and released his first album. He became a sensation in the music industry and gained fame worldwide. Throughout his career, Elvis sold millions of records and performed in numerous concerts. Sadly, at the age of 42, Elvis passed away, but his music and influence continue to resonate to this day.
Вопрос: Какой инструмент подарил Элвису его отец на его 11-летие и сколько этот инструмент стоил?
Ответ: На свое 11-летие Элвису Пресли отец подарил гитару, которая стоила 57,75 долларов. Эту гитару он приобрел в компании Tupela Hardware.
Вопрос: Какой инструмент подарил Элвису его отец на его 11-летие и сколько этот инструмент стоил?
Ответ: На свое 11-летие Элвису Пресли отец подарил гитару, которая стоила 57,75 долларов. Эту гитару он приобрел в компании Tupela Hardware.
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