Exercise 5: Modify the given text by changing the question text without losing its meaning and volume. 1. What

Exercise 5: Modify the given text by changing the question text without losing its meaning and volume.

1. What is my desire regarding going to the East?
2. What was the unexpected thing that she heard him say?
3. During that hour, what was her state of being unaccustomed to being disturbed by anyone?
4. What action could she not allow herself to do?
5. What did he desire to do regarding making the most of his opportunity?
6. What was he doing in regards to thinking over what he wanted to say?
7. What did I do while watching the shore as it became closer, then moved away, and then got closer again?
8. What does he want to do personally regarding congratulating you?
9. What does Mel want to do once Joe arrives?


Exercise 5: Modify the given text by changing the question text without losing its meaning and volume.

1. What are my intentions when it comes to traveling to the East?
2. What did she hear him saying unexpectedly?
3. How did she feel during that hour, being unaccustomed to being disturbed by anyone?
4. Which action did she refrain from doing?
5. What were his aspirations in maximizing his opportunity?
6. How was he occupied with contemplating what he wished to express?
7. What was I doing while observing the shore getting closer, then moving away, and then getting closer again?
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