Ex67, p249 in the Student s Book of Afanasyeva and Mikheeva. 1. a. Complete the story by filling in the blanks

Ex67, p249 in the Student"s Book of Afanasyeva and Mikheeva. 1. a. Complete the story by filling in the blanks. In a desolate forest, there once existed (1. dwelled) a woodcutter. On one fateful day, as the woodcutter was (2. chopping) down trees, he suddenly (3. heard) the cry of a bird. He (4. pondered) what (5. was happening) and (6. proceeded) (7. to investigate) the source of the sound, which led him to a bird. Beneath a large green bush, he (8. spotted) a nest that had been (9. constructed) by a bird, containing several eggs. A menacing snake (10. was preparing) (11. to slay) the courageous mother bird, who valiantly (12. defended) her nest. The woodcutter (13. struck) the snake with a stick that he (14. stumbled upon) in the forest.


story, filled, desolate, existed, dwelling, chopping, heard, pondered, happening, proceeded, investigate, spotted, constructed, preparing, slay

В чаще безлюдного леса когда-то существовал (1. жил) лесоруб. В один роковой день, когда лесоруб (2. рубил) деревья, он вдруг (3. услышал) крик птицы. Он (4. размышлял) о том, что (5. происходит) и (6. продолжил) (7. исследовать) источник звука, который привел его к птице. Под большим зеленым кустом он (8. заметил) гнездо, построенное птицей, в котором находилось несколько яиц. Зловещая змея (10. готовилась) (11. убить) яйца в гнезде.
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