Ex. 3. (A) Practice the following based on the given examples. Example 1: A. He is not accustomed to playing chess

Ex. 3. (A) Practice the following based on the given examples. Example 1: A. He is not accustomed to playing chess. B. Well, it appears that he is playing chess today. He is not accustomed to... 1. doing the shopping. 2. waiting for his wife. 3. bringing his wife flowers. 4. picking up the children from school. 5. assisting his wife. 6. conversing with his mother-in-law. 7. having conflicts with his neighbors. 8. playing with the children. 9. walking to work. 10. carrying his wife"s parcels. Example 2: (A group of tourists visits an ancient palace and inquires about the owner to their guide. The guide seems uncertain about the specifics.) Did he reside


Добро пожаловать! Давайте рассмотрим вашу задачу по английскому языку. Здесь вам предлагается практика, основанная на данном примере.

Пример 1:
A. He is not accustomed to playing chess. (Он не привык играть в шахматы.)
B. Well, it appears that he is playing chess today. (Что ж, похоже, что сегодня он играет в шахматы.)

Теперь давайте решим оставшиеся предложения:
1. doing the shopping. (делать покупки) - He is not accustomed to doing the shopping. (Он не привык делать покупки.)
2. waiting for his wife. (ждать свою жену) - He is not accustomed to waiting for his wife. (Он не привык ждать свою жену.)
3. bringing his wife flowers. (приносить жене цветы) - He is not accustomed to bringing his wife flowers. (Он не привык приносить жене цветы.)
4. picking up the children from school. (забирать детей из школы) - He is not accustomed to picking up the children from school. (Он не привык забирать детей из школы.)
5. assisting his wife. (помогать своей жене) - He is not accustomed to assisting his wife. (Он не привык помогать своей жене.)
6. conversing with his mother-in-law. (общаться с тещей) - He is not accustomed to conversing with his mother-in-law. (Он не привык общаться с тещей.)
7. having conflicts with his neighbors. (иметь конфликты с соседями) - He is not accustomed to having conflicts with his neighbors. (Он не привык иметь конфликты с соседями.)
8. playing with the children. (играть с детьми) - He is not accustomed to playing with the children. (Он не привык играть с детьми.)
9. walking to work. (ходить на работу пешком) - He is not accustomed to walking to work. (Он не привык ходить на работу пешком.)
10. carrying his wife"s parcels. (нести посылки своей жены) - He is not accustomed to carrying his wife"s parcels. (Он не привык носить посылки своей жены.)

Пример 2:
(A group of tourists visits an ancient palace and inquires about the owner to their guide)
- Группа туристов посещает древний дворец и спрашивает у своего гида о владельце.

Наверное, вам будет интересно узнать о владельце древнего дворца. Вы можете у своего гида спросить: "Who is the owner of this magnificent palace?" (Кто является владельцем этого великолепного дворца?)
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