Emma shares her experience of traveling to Cyprus. Please fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the given

Emma shares her experience of traveling to Cyprus. Please fill in the gaps with the appropriate words from the given options (one word is extra). I enjoy traveling a lot. During the summer, my parents and I visit our favorite destination, Cyprus, because it has a lot of beautiful beaches. It is an amazing opportunity to meet new people and learn about the culture and traditions of the country you are visiting from them. Additionally, you can explore different places to discover interesting historical events of the country. We usually purchase package tours, so we don"t need to reserve the accommodation or search for transportation on our own. I believe traveling alone is risky. The only thing I don"t enjoy is


hotels, transportation, and activities separately. The travel agency takes care of everything for us, including accommodation, flights, and guided tours.

Once we arrive in Cyprus, the first thing we do is check-in at the hotel. We prefer staying in a hotel that is close to the beach so that we can enjoy the scenic views and easily access the water. After settling in, we usually spend the first day relaxing on the beach and getting used to the warm Mediterranean climate.

During our stay, we make sure to explore different parts of the island. One of our favorite activities is visiting ancient archaeological sites. Cyprus is known for its rich history, and there are many well-preserved ruins and excavations to explore. It"s fascinating to see remnants of ancient civilizations and learn about their way of life.

Apart from historical sites, Cyprus is also famous for its delicious cuisine. We always make it a point to try the local delicacies and traditional dishes. Some popular Cypriot dishes include souvlaki, halloumi cheese, and moussaka. The food is always fresh and bursting with flavors.

Another highlight of our trip is interacting with the locals. The Cypriot people are friendly and welcoming, and they are always eager to share their culture and traditions with visitors. We have had the opportunity to learn traditional dances, participate in local festivals, and even try our hand at pottery making.

Overall, our trips to Cyprus have been memorable experiences. It"s a beautiful country with a rich history, stunning beaches, delicious food, and warm hospitality. We always return home with wonderful memories and a deep appreciation for the beauty and diversity of the world.

Верные ответы:
1. hotels
2. transportation
3. experience
4. cultures
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