Choose the appropriate options. Patrick is likely to / may pass his exams. Since Sophie is vacationing in Australia

Choose the appropriate options. Patrick is likely to / may pass his exams. Since Sophie is vacationing in Australia, she is unlikely to / may not come to the party this evening. There is a possibility that one day I will / may become an athlete, although it is not very probable. Due to the cold weather, we will not / may not swim in the lake tomorrow. They will go to the mountains if the weather is / will be favorable. If you do not / won"t call your friend, you will not go out today. The journey won"t / doesn"t take much time if we go by train.


Давайте рассмотрим каждое из предложений по очереди и выберем наиболее подходящий вариант.

1. Patrick is likely to pass his exams.
Патрик, скорее всего, сдаст свои экзамены.

2. Since Sophie is vacationing in Australia, she is unlikely to come to the party this evening.
Поскольку Софи отдыхает в Австралии, ей маловероятно прийти на вечеринку сегодня вечером.

3. There is a possibility that one day I may become an athlete, although it is not very probable.
Есть возможность, что однажды я могу стать спортсменом, хотя это не очень вероятно.

4. Due to the cold weather, we may not swim in the lake tomorrow.
Из-за холодной погоды, завтра мы, возможно, не будем плавать в озере.

5. They will go to the mountains if the weather is favorable.
Они отправятся в горы, если погода будет благоприятной.

6. If you don"t call your friend, you will not go out today.
Если ты не позвонишь своему другу, сегодня не пойдешь куда-либо.

7. The journey won"t take much time if we go by train.
Поездка не займет много времени, если мы поедем на поезде.

Таким образом, ответы на задачу следующие:
1. likely to
2. unlikely to
3. may
4. may not
5. if the weather is
6. don"t
7. won"t
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