30. переформулируйте эти утверждения как вопросы. Образцы: 1. The baby hippo is learning to run. - Is the baby hippo

30. переформулируйте эти утверждения как вопросы. Образцы: 1. The baby hippo is learning to run. - Is the baby hippo learning how to run? 2. The seals always clap at lunchtime. - Do the seals clap at lunchtime? 3. The giraffes usually eat from trees. - Do the giraffes eat from trees? 4. The whales are swimming in the sea. - Are the whales swimming in the sea? 5. The dolphin is having a good time. - Is the dolphin having a good time? 6. The monkey often laughs at the children. - Does the monkey often laugh at the children? 7. The seals have lunch at 1 o"clock. - Do the seals have lunch at 1 o"clock? 8. The hippo is having a bath now. - Is the hippo having a bath now?


Вопросы к переформулированным утверждениям:
1. The baby hippo is learning to run. - Что делает маленький гиппопотам?
2. The seals always clap at lunchtime. - Когда тюлени захлопывают?
3. The giraffes usually eat from trees. - Где обычно едят жирафы?
4. The whales are swimming in the sea. - Где плавают киты?
5. The dolphin is having a good time. - Наслаждается ли дельфин?
6. The monkey often laughs at the children. - Часто ли обезьяна смеется над детьми?
7. The seals have lunch at 1 o"clock. - Во сколько тюлени обедают?
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