1. The text mentions that the person said at the start of the year that one of their resolutions was to travel more

1. The text mentions that the person said at the start of the year that one of their resolutions was to travel more.
2. The person spent a lot of time and money on furniture for their flat last year.
3. The person prefers being economical and this also applies to their traveling habits.
4. The person has become skilled at traveling to different places on a budget.
5. The person plans to share some tips and tricks they have learned about budget traveling.
6. The text mentions that there are many budget airlines available.

Please mark the sentences as T (true), F (false), or NS (not stated).


1. NS (not stated) - The text only mentions that the person said at the start of the year that one of their resolutions was to travel more, but it doesn"t explicitly state whether they actually achieved this resolution or not.

2. T (true) - The text states that the person spent a lot of time and money on furniture for their flat last year.

3. T (true) - The text mentions that the person prefers being economical, and this preference also applies to their traveling habits.

4. T (true) - The text states that the person has become skilled at traveling to different places on a budget.

5. T (true) - The text mentions that the person plans to share some tips and tricks they have learned about budget traveling.

6. T (true) - The text states that there are many budget airlines available.
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