2. Rewrite the sentences by filling in the blanks with words from Exercise 1. 0 His stories are so humorous that people

2. Rewrite the sentences by filling in the blanks with words from Exercise 1. 0 His stories are so humorous that people find them amusing. 1 On Saturdays, he prefers to sleep in and spend the whole day watching TV or entertaining videos on the internet. 2 She constantly wears a smile and engages in conversations with anyone she meets. 3 He consistently exhibits good manners by using polite phrases like "please" and "thank you" while attentively listening to his teachers. 4 He takes the initiative to clean his mother"s car and willingly offers to do the dishes. 5 She is well-liked by everyone and is a desirable friend to have. 6 They frequently engage in walking or cycling activities during their weekends. 7 She possesses the skill of making her own clothes and has a strong passion for drawing. 8 He never expresses anger and always chooses to speak kind words.


0 Его истории настолько юмористичны, что люди считают их забавными.

1 В субботу он предпочитает поспать и провести целый день смотря телевизор или смотря интересные видео в интернете.

2 Она постоянно улыбается и вступает в разговоры с любым, кого встречает.

3 Он постоянно демонстрирует хорошие манеры, используя вежливые фразы, такие как "пожалуйста" и "спасибо", и внимательно слушает своих учителей.

4 Он берет на себя инициативу по чистке машины своей мамы и охотно предлагает помыть посуду.

5 Она нравится всем.
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