1. Which word can replace in in the sentence There was a terrific bump as the plane touched ___. ? 2. Which word

1. Which word can replace "in" in the sentence "There was a terrific bump as the plane touched ___."?
2. Which word can replace "in" in the sentence "The plane is not going to get ___ until 2.00 in the morning. We may as well go away and come back later."?
3. Which word can replace "away" in the sentence "I"ve had enough of this place. I need to get by myself for a bit."?


1. В данном предложении "There was a terrific bump as the plane touched ___." можно заменить слово "in" на "down". Это связано с тем, что в данном контексте речь идет о самолете, который совершает посадку, и "down" подходит для передачи движения вниз или к земле.

2. В предложении "The plane is not going to get ___ until 2.00 in the morning. We may as well go away and come back later." мы можем заменить слово "in" на "in" без изменения смысла. Оно означает, что самолет не прибудет на место до 2.00 утра.

3. В предложении "I"ve had enough of this place. I need to get ___ by myself for a bit." слово "away" можно заменить на "alone" или "by myself". Это подразумевает, что говорящему необходимо быть в одиночестве или наедине с самим собой, чтобы отдохнуть или подумать.
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