1. Had he already left? 2. Where does she live? 3. Did they find their documents? 4. Who is going to win the next race?

1. Had he already left?
2. Where does she live?
3. Did they find their documents?
4. Who is going to win the next race?
5. What was she doing at that moment?
6. Is it too late?
7. When will she write a letter?
8. Has the delegation already arrived?
9. Did he say that he would do it?
10. How did everybody react to her song?


1. Был ли он уже ушел?
To determine whether he had already left, we need to consider the context of the situation. For example, if we are talking about a specific event in the past, we can use past perfect tense, which indicates an action that was completed before another past action. If the event we are referring to is before a past event, then the answer would be "yes." However, without further information, we cannot determine with certainty whether he had already left or not.

2. Где она живет?
To find out where she lives, we need more information. You could ask her directly or try using different sources such as an address book, an online profile, or any previous conversations where she might have mentioned her place of residence.

3. Нашли ли они свои документы?
To determine whether they found their documents, we can ask them directly or inquire about any recent developments in their search for the documents. Without any further information, we cannot provide a definite answer.

4. Кто выиграет следующую гонку?
To predict who will win the next race, we need to consider various factors such as the skills and experience of the participants, their track record, and any recent performance trends. The outcome of a race is uncertain, and it is challenging to provide a definitive answer without specific information.

5. Что она делала в тот момент?
To find out what she was doing at that moment, we need more context. You could ask her directly or try to recall any information or events surrounding that particular moment. Without further information, we cannot determine her actions at that specific time.

6. Это уже слишком поздно?
To evaluate whether it is too late, we need to understand what "it" refers to in this particular situation. Depending on the context, it could refer to a missed opportunity, an expired deadline, or any other time-related constraint. Without specific information, we cannot provide a conclusive answer.

7. Когда она напишет письмо?
To determine when she will write a letter, we need more information. You could ask her directly or try to establish a timeframe based on any relevant conversations or events. Without further information, we cannot provide a specific date or time for when she will write the letter.

8. Делегация уже прибыла?
To find out if the delegation has already arrived, you could inquire with the appropriate authorities or individuals involved in the delegation"s travel plans. Without any specific information, it is difficult to determine whether the delegation has arrived or not.

9. Он сказал, что сделает это?
To determine whether he said he would do it, we need more context or information about the specific situation and the person involved. Without any additional details, we cannot provide a definitive answer.

10. Как все отреагировали на ее песню?
To determine how everybody reacted to her song, you could gather feedback from those who listened to it or observed their reactions. This can be done through surveys, interviews, or observing their behavior and comments. Without specific information, we cannot provide a detailed account of everyone"s reaction to her song.
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