1) Where is Mary? She is shopping. She will be back soon. 2) Look! That man is trying to open your car. 3) My brother

1) Where is Mary? She is shopping. She will be back soon.
2) Look! That man is trying to open your car.
3) My brother plays football a lot.
4) I am going to buy a new dress for the next party.
5) My cousin has been staying with us for two weeks, he hasn"t gone away yet.
6) Hello! Where are you going?
7) I miss her. She hasn"t been at home for ages.
8) Hurry!


1) Mary is currently at the store, doing some shopping. However, she won"t be there for long as she will be returning soon. So, if you are looking for her, you can expect her to be back shortly.

2) Oh no! Look over there! There is a man attempting to open your car door. It"s important to be aware of such situations and take appropriate action to prevent any harm or theft. You might want to quickly intervene or alert someone nearby to help you handle the situation and ensure the safety of your car.

3) Football is a sport that my brother really enjoys playing. He spends a lot of time participating in football matches and engaging in this physical activity. It"s a great way for him to both have fun and stay active.

4) I have a plan to purchase a new dress specifically for the upcoming party. Since it is a special occasion, I want to make sure I look my best and stand out. Therefore, I am going to shop for a brand new dress that suits the event and reflects my personal style.

5) My cousin has been staying with our family for two weeks, and he hasn"t left yet. It seems he is enjoying his time with us and wants to extend his visit. We are happy to have him around, as his presence adds a joyful atmosphere to our home.

6) Hello! Where are you off to? I"m curious about your destination or purpose of travel. It"s always nice to know where a person is headed, as it provides an opportunity for conversation and a chance to share any common plans or experiences.

7) I have a strong feeling of longing or nostalgia for someone I miss. It has been quite a long time since she was last at home. I hope to see her soon and spend time together, as her absence has been greatly felt.

8) Hurry up! This urgent command is given to encourage someone to move or act quickly. There might be a time-sensitive situation, a deadline to meet, or an event about to start, so it"s important to expedite actions to avoid delays or potential negative consequences.
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