1. What decision has Super Hero Phillip made regarding his trip to Mars? 2. What is the progress on Super Hero Phillip

1. What decision has Super Hero Phillip made regarding his trip to Mars?
2. What is the progress on Super Hero Phillip"s suitcase packing?
3. What does Super Hero Phillip need to make sure he doesn"t forget?
4. What is Super Hero Tanya currently occupied with?
5. How does Super Hero Tanya feel about space travel?
6. What does Super Hero Tanya want to do in relation to Phillip"s exciting voyage?
7. What are Tanya"s hopes in terms of capturing images during the trip?
8. What is Phillip"s desire when it comes to their travel destination?
9. What skill do both Tayna and Phillip possess?
10. What have they accomplished within a week in terms of gathering their supplies?


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