1. She said that her sister isn t well. 2. He said that he called me. 3. She told me that she won t come back

1. She said that her sister isn"t well.
2. He said that he called me.
3. She told me that she won"t come back.
4. He said that he found a wallet.
5. He told me that he doesn"t like fish.
6. She told me that she"s looking for a job.
7. She told me that I must show her my passport.
8. He told me that he"ll call me soon.
9. She said that she"s not feeling well.
10. She said that I took her car.


1. Она сказала, что её сестра плохо чувствует себя. (This sentence is reported speech, so we need to change the verb tense from "isn"t" to "плохо чувствует себя".)

2. Он сказал, что позвонил мне. (Again, reported speech, so we change the verb tense from "called" to "позвонил".)

3. Она сказала мне, что не вернется. (In reported speech, we change the verb tense from "won"t come back" to "не вернется".)

4. Он сказал, что нашел кошелек. (Reported speech, change the verb tense from "found" to "нашел".)

5. Он рассказал мне, что не любит рыбу. (Reported speech, verb tense is changed from "doesn"t like" to "не любит".)

6. Она сказала мне, что ищет работу. (Reported speech, verb tense is changed from "is looking" to "ищет".)

7. Она сказала мне, что я должен показать ей свой паспорт. (Reported speech, verb tense is changed from "must show" to "должен показать".)

8. Он сказал мне, что позвонит мне скоро. (Reported speech, verb tense is changed from "will call" to "позвонит".)

9. Она сказала, что ей плохо. (Reported speech, verb tense is changed from "is not feeling" to "ей плохо".)

10. Она сказала, что я взял... (The sentence is incomplete, so it"s difficult to provide an accurate translation without context. Please complete the sentence, and I will be happy to help.)
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