1. How long have you been living here? 2. Shall I assist you with the cooking? 3. He denied having taken the money

1. How long have you been living here?
2. Shall I assist you with the cooking?
3. He denied having taken the money.
4. She had been working for 12 hours before she finished everything.
5. When I was a child, I used to go running every day.
6. By the time I arrived, it was already 8 o"clock.
7. She can"t come to the party.
8. I am buying some new clothes.


1. "How long have you been living here?" - This question is asking for the duration of time a person has been living in their current place of residence. To answer this, you can provide the specific time period since they moved in or started living there. For example, if the person has been living there for 3 years, you can say: "Я живу здесь уже три года."

2. "Shall I assist you with the cooking?" - This sentence is an offer to help someone with their cooking. To respond, you can accept the offer by saying "Да, пожалуйста, помогите мне с готовкой." This means "Yes, please, help me with the cooking." Alternatively, if you don"t need any assistance, you can politely decline by saying "Спасибо, я справлюсь сам(а)."

3. "He denied having taken the money." - This sentence indicates that someone denied the action of taking money. To explain this, you can say "Он отрицал, что взял деньги." This means "He denied taking the money."

4. "She had been working for 12 hours before she finished everything." - This sentence describes the duration of time someone was working before completing a task. To explain this, you can say "Она работала 12 часов, пока она не закончила все." This means "She was working for 12 hours before she finished everything."

5. "When I was a child, I used to go running every day." - This sentence expresses a regular activity that someone used to do in the past. To explain this, you can say "Когда я был ребенком, я каждый день ходил/ходила бегать." This means "When I was a child, I used to go running every day."

6. "By the time I arrived, it was already 8 o"clock." - This sentence indicates that an event had already occurred before the person arrived. To explain this, you can say "К тому времени, как я прибыл(а), уже было восемь часов." This means "By the time I arrived, it was already 8 o"clock."

7. "She can"t come to the party." - This sentence states that someone is unable to attend a party. To explain this, you can say "Она не может прийти на вечеринку." This means "She can"t come to the party."

8. "I am buying some new clothes." - This sentence communicates the action of purchasing new clothes. To explain this, you can say "Я покупаю новую одежду." This means "I am buying new clothes."
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