1 a) On the date of October 6th, 2015, read the headlines and complete the following phrases with the words: closed

1 a) On the date of October 6th, 2015, read the headlines and complete the following phrases with the words: closed down, washed away, having running water, located underwater, took place, exerted its power, forced people to leave. Listen and verify your answers. Express the headlines in your native language. Enormous 1) seismic activity 2) occurred along the shores of Japan, resulting in a 10-meter high tsunami devastating 3) houses and cars 4) in Japan. The earthquake displaced an island by 2.4 meters. Nuclear power plants situated in areas affected by the earthquake 5) led to the displacement of approximately half a million Japanese citizens 6) from their residences and left 1.4 million individuals 7) without access to running water.

b) Based on the headlines, share your interpretation with the class regarding the events that transpired in Japan in March 2011. In March 2011, Japan experienced an undersea earthquake near its coast. Shortly after, ...


Большая сейсмическая активность произошла вдоль побережья Японии 6-го октября 2015 года, вызвав разрушительное цунами высотой 10 метров, полностью уничтожившее дома и машины в Японии. Землетрясение повлияло на остров, сместив его на 2,4 метра. Ядерные электростанции, расположенные в районах, пострадавших от землетрясения, были вынуждены остановиться, так как были затоплены и лишились водоснабжения. Людей пришлось покинуть эти районы из-за мощного цунами и разрушений. Проверьте свои ответы, прослушав заголовки.
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