Заполните пропуски, используя слова из списка. Два слова в списке лишние. A robot is a machine that performs tasks

Заполните пропуски, используя слова из списка. Два слова в списке лишние.

A robot is a machine that performs tasks for humans. The term "robot" emerged in the 1920s and it was initially utilized in a science fiction narrative. In reality, the robot was subsequently invented in 1954. There exist various types of robots employed in diverse industries. The majority of them are controlled by a computer program. Rather than humans, robots undertake arduous and monotonous tasks in uncomfortable or hazardous environments. They generally operate at a higher speed and with greater precision compared to humans.


to humans. Robots can be classified into different categories based on their functionality and design.

One type of robot is an industrial robot, which is commonly used in manufacturing industries. These robots are designed to handle repetitive and physically demanding tasks, such as assembly line operations. They are programmed to perform specific actions with high accuracy and efficiency, which improves productivity in the production process.

Another type of robot is a service robot, which is used to assist humans in various tasks. Service robots can be found in different settings, such as healthcare, hospitality, and domestic environments. For example, in healthcare, robots can help with patient care by monitoring vital signs or delivering medications. In hospitality, robots can be used for tasks like room cleaning or food service. In domestic settings, robots can perform household chores like vacuuming or mowing the lawn.

Robots can also have specific functions, such as exploration robots and medical robots. Exploration robots are designed to navigate and explore different terrains, such as space or underwater environments. These robots are equipped with sensors and cameras to gather data and transmit it back to humans. Medical robots, on the other hand, are utilized in healthcare settings to assist doctors during surgeries or perform delicate procedures with precision.

The advancements in robotics technology have led to the development of more sophisticated robots, including humanoid robots. These robots are designed to resemble humans in appearance and movement, and they can interact with people in a more natural way. Humanoid robots can be used in various applications, such as customer service, entertainment, or even companionship for the elderly.

Overall, robots have become an integral part of modern society, revolutionizing industries and improving the quality of human life. Their ability to perform tasks efficiently and effectively, as well as their versatility in various environments, makes them valuable assets in many different fields. As technology continues to advance, we can expect to see more innovative and capable robots in the future.
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