Задание 3. Заполните пропуски в диалогах. 1. David: What is your address? (1) Susan: 27 Maple Ave., Liverpool. David

Задание 3. Заполните пропуски в диалогах. 1. David: What is your address? (1) Susan: 27 Maple Ave., Liverpool. David: Where are you currently residing? (2) Susan: In the Sunset Hotel.  Receptionist: May I ask for your address? (3) Mr Smith: It’s (please fill in your address in English). Receptionist: Thank you.


Mr Smith: It’s 45 Oak Street, London.


In the given dialogue, we have three missing parts that need to be filled with appropriate information.

1. David: What is your address? (1) Susan: 27 Maple Ave., Liverpool.
We can see that Susan responds to David"s question about her address by providing her address as "27 Maple Ave., Liverpool."

2. David: Where are you currently residing? (2) Susan: In the Sunset Hotel.
Here, Susan answers David"s question about her current place of residence by saying that she is staying at "the Sunset Hotel."

3. Receptionist: May I ask for your address? (3) Mr Smith: It’s (please fill in your address in English).
In this part, the receptionist asks Mr Smith for his address. Now we need to fill in the blank with Mr Smith"s address in English, which is 45 Oak Street, London.

So, the complete dialogue with the missing information filled in would be:
Receptionist: May I ask for your address? (3) Mr Smith: It’s 45 Oak Street, London.

Remember that it is important to provide complete and accurate information when filling in the missing parts of a dialogue.
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