Write a report in indirect speech based on what Mrs Fryer said in the article. For example, Mrs Fryer mentioned that

Write a report in indirect speech based on what Mrs Fryer said in the article. For example, Mrs Fryer mentioned that she had experienced surprise upon coming downstairs for breakfast one morning. She recalled that a small fox had managed to enter their kitchen and had fallen asleep on the microwave. The fox had gained access through the cat"s door and had left various dirty spots on the floor. Mrs Fryer informed that she had contacted the vet, Phil Norman, who had arrived to assist her and had taken the fox to Animal Hospital. According to reports from the hospital, no issues were found with the fox, and it was subsequently released back into the wild.


Я хотел бы попросить вас предоставить мне текст статьи или информацию об учителе Mrs Fryer. Я могу помочь вам написать доклад в косвенной речи, но мне нужно иметь исходные данные. Без этой информации я не смогу выполнить ваш запрос. Пожалуйста, укажите, где я могу найти статью или предоставьте мне необходимую информацию, и я смогу помочь вам с заданием.
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