Will our lives be filled with robots in the future, according to Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro? How does he compare

Will our lives be filled with robots in the future, according to Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro? How does he compare the evolution of robots to the evolution of cars? What can androids, resembling humans, do while we stay at home? How can a camera monitor our facial expressions?


Профессор Хироси Исигуро - известный ученый-робототехник, который проводит исследования в области робототехники и разработки андроидов, напоминающих человека. Он предсказывает, что в будущем нашу жизнь заполнят роботы.

Исигуро сравнивает эволюцию роботов с эволюцией автомобилей. Когда-то автомобили были роскошью и недоступны для многих людей, но со временем они превратились в массовое средство передвижения. Точно так же происходит с роботами: сейчас они дороги и сложны в создании, но в будущем станут более доступными и распространенными.

Jsonline describes some of the tasks that humanoid androids can perform while we stay at home. They can help with various household chores, such as cleaning the house, cooking, doing the laundry, and even taking care of the elderly or children. They can also be used for teleconferencing, allowing people to attend meetings or classes remotely from the comfort of their own homes.

A camera can monitor our facial expressions by using advanced computer vision algorithms. It captures images of our face and analyzes them to detect various facial expressions, such as happiness, sadness, anger, or surprise. This technology relies on machine learning and pattern recognition techniques to accurately interpret facial expressions. It can be used in various applications, including emotion recognition, market research, and human-computer interaction.

So, according to Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro, our lives will likely be filled with robots in the future. He compares the evolution of robots to that of cars, and believes that robots will become more accessible and widely used. Androids, resembling humans, can perform household tasks and assist us while we stay at home. Additionally, cameras equipped with advanced computer vision technology can monitor our facial expressions.
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