When Micky Watts, who had come to London from Manchester, left Harrods last Friday, she felt a sense of pride

When Micky Watts, who had come to London from Manchester, left Harrods last Friday, she felt a sense of pride in the designer jeans she had bought there. However, when she returned to the store the following day for additional shopping, she was not allowed to enter because she was wearing the same jeans. Micky shared this experience with her friends, with whom she was staying in London, stating, "As I was walking through the swing doors, a large security guard suddenly stopped me. He pointed out my torn jeans and prohibited me from entering. I attempted to explain to him that the jeans were ripped, but he did not listen."


новые, но he refused to listen." Micky"s friends were shocked to hear this and encouraged her to file a complaint with Harrods. They believed that Micky had been unfairly treated and discriminated against based on her appearance.

Micky decided to follow her friends" advice and wrote a detailed complaint to Harrods, explaining the incident and expressing her disappointment in the treatment she had received. She emphasized that she had purchased the jeans from Harrods just the day before and that they were, in fact, new. Micky also mentioned that she had been a loyal customer who had spent a significant amount of money at Harrods in the past.

In her complaint, Micky requested an explanation for the discrimination she had experienced and urged Harrods to take appropriate action. She expressed her hope that this incident would not tarnish her perception of the famous department store and its commitment to providing excellent customer service.

Harrods, being a reputable establishment, promptly responded to Micky"s complaint. They apologized for any inconvenience caused and assured her that they took her concerns seriously. Harrods explained that their security guards were trained to ensure the safety and security of all customers and that they sometimes needed to identify potential threats or shoplifters.

Regarding Micky"s specific case, Harrods investigated the incident and reviewed the CCTV footage from the entrance area. They found that the security guard had misunderstood the situation and misjudged Micky"s jeans. The torn appearance of the jeans had misled the guard into believing they were not suitable for entry.

Harrods acknowledged their mistake and informed Micky that the security guard involved would undergo additional training to prevent similar incidents in the future. They also offered Micky a sincere apology and invited her to return to the store. As a gesture of goodwill, Harrods provided her with a gift voucher that could be redeemed on her next visit.

Micky, pleased with Harrods" response, thanked them for their prompt action and considered the matter resolved. She accepted their apology and expressed her gratitude for the gift voucher. Micky felt reassured that Harrods valued her as a customer and would continue to provide a positive shopping experience for all.

В данной задаче Микки была дискриминирована и недоправильно оценена охранником, что послужило поводом для жалобы в Harrods. В ответ на жалобу, управление магазина извинилось за случившееся и проявило понимание к ситуации. Охранник, совершивший ошибку, пройдет дополнительное обучение для предотвращения подобных случаев в будущем. Кроме того, Микки получила подарочный сертификат, что позволяет считать данный инцидент разрешенным с удовлетворением все сторон.

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