When I returned, the cabin was empty, with the doors to both annexes closed. However, on the rough table, next to which

When I returned, the cabin was empty, with the doors to both annexes closed. However, on the rough table, next to which a stool had been pulled up, there awaited me a steaming cup of coffee in a tin mug, hot flatbreads, and another plate with fragrant fried beef, cooked in oil. 1) Replace the word "rough" with a synonym. 2) Find and write down a collocation from the fourth part with a coordination link that can be replaced with a synonymous coordination link.


1) Замените слово "грубый" на синоним.
Вместо слова "грубый" можно использовать синоним "неровный".

2) Найдите и запишите коллокацию из четвертой части с сочинительным союзом, которую можно заменить синонимичным союзом.
В предложении "However, on the rough table..." соответствующая коллокация - "on the table". Её можно заменить синонимичной коллокацией "at the table".
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