When did we travel to Greece? When did we arrive in Greece? When did we discover that there was nobody at the airport?

When did we travel to Greece?
When did we arrive in Greece?
When did we discover that there was nobody at the airport?
When did we feel worried?
When did we leave Greece?
When did Rick feel worried?
When did Rick discover something?
When did my uncle belong to a sport?
When was it that my uncle worried?
When was it that my uncle left?
When did Bob hang his photo on the wall?
When did I hunt?
When did I hang something?
When did I hug Simon?
When did Simon go to Washington, D.C.?
When did I discover something about Susan"s liking for lemons?
When did I hang something?
When did I worry?
When did I leave something?
When did the castle get left to the family?
When did the castle get discovered?
When did I leave something behind?


We traveled to Greece during the summer vacation last year. It was an exciting trip that we had been looking forward to for a long time.

We arrived in Greece on the 10th of July. The flight was quite long, but it was worth it when we finally landed in Athens.

We discovered that there was nobody at the airport when we arrived in Greece. It was unexpected and a bit concerning. We were supposed to be met by a representative, but there was no one there.

We started feeling worried right after we discovered that there was nobody at the airport. We didn"t know what had happened or how we would proceed with our plans.

We left Greece on the 25th of July. Despite the initial setbacks, we managed to enjoy our time in Greece and have some memorable experiences.

Rick felt worried when we discovered that there was nobody at the airport. He was particularly concerned about our safety and how we would continue with our travel plans.

Rick discovered something when we arrived in Greece. While exploring the city, he stumbled upon a hidden gem, a local market filled with unique crafts and delicious food.

My uncle belonged to a sports club a few years ago when he used to live in Greece. He was quite active and enjoyed playing various sports with his friends.

It was when my uncle worried that we realized how serious the situation was. His concern made us aware that the situation at the airport was not a simple misunderstanding.

My uncle left Greece a few years ago when he decided to move to a different country for work. He had mixed emotions about leaving because Greece held many fond memories for him.

Bob hung his photo on the wall as soon as he arrived in Greece. It was a picture he took during his previous visit and wanted to have it displayed in his room during this trip as well.

I hunted during a hiking trip in the mountains of Greece. It was a thrilling experience to explore the natural beauty of the region and encounter the local wildlife.

I hung something on the wall when we rented an apartment in Greece. It was a painting that I had brought from home to make the place feel more personalized.

I hugged Simon when he returned from his trip to Washington, D.C. It was great to see him again after being apart for a while and I wanted to show my excitement.

Simon went to Washington, D.C. last summer as part of a school trip. He had the opportunity to visit various historical sites and learn about the country"s rich history.

I discovered something about Susan"s liking for lemons during a conversation at a Greek restaurant. She mentioned how much she enjoyed the lemon-flavored dishes, sparking an interesting discussion.

I hung something on the wall when we moved into our new house in Greece. It was a family photo that held sentimental value and we wanted to have it displayed prominently.

I worried when we faced difficulties during our trip to Greece. It"s natural to feel concerned when things don"t go as planned, but we managed to overcome the challenges and have a memorable experience.
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