What is the Past Simple form of the following verbs? Rewrite the sentence, changing the word order. 1. agree 2. carry

What is the Past Simple form of the following verbs? Rewrite the sentence, changing the word order.

1. agree
2. carry
3. stop
4. be
5. chat
6. like
7. destroy

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
1. Did you liked to play football when you was four?
2. Did you like to play football when you were four?

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
1. My brother destroyed my lego model yesterday.
2. My brother did destroyed my lego model yesterday.

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
1. I weren"t at the football stadium last week.
2. I wasn"t at the football stadium last week.

Which of the following sentences is grammatically correct?
1. I agreed did the housework because.


1. Соглашаться - agreed. Переформулировка: Agreed the terms.
2. Нести - carried. Переформулировка: Carried the heavy bag.
3. Останавливаться - stopped. Переформулировка: Stopped the car.
4. Быть - was/were. Переформулировка: You were happy.
5. Беседовать - chatted. Переформулировка: Chatted with my friend.
6. Нравиться - liked. Переформулировка: Liked the movie.
7. Уничтожать - destroyed. Переформулировка: Destroyed the building.

Первое предложение с грамматической ошибкой:
1. Did you liked to play football when you was four?
2. Did you like to play football when you were four?

Второе предложение с грамматической ошибкой:
1. My brother destroyed my lego model yesterday.
2. My brother did destroyed my lego model yesterday.

Третье предложение с грамматической ошибкой:
1. I weren"т at the football stadium last week.
2. I weren"t at the football stadium last week.
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