What are the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations: Continuous/advanced learning; higher education

What are the Russian equivalents for the following word combinations: Continuous/advanced learning; higher education; comprehensive education; mandatory education; traditional education; professional training/education; technical training; comprehensive education; formal education; to foster, to facilitate learning; costless education; inclusive education; high school education; basic education; broad education; fundamental education, basic education.


1. Continuous/advanced learning - Непрерывное/продвинутое обучение
- Continuous learning (непрерывное обучение) refers to the process of acquiring knowledge and skills throughout one"s life, beyond formal education. It implies an ongoing commitment to learning and personal development.
- Advanced learning (продвинутое обучение) emphasizes the acquisition of advanced or specialized knowledge and skills in a particular field or subject.

2. Higher education - Высшее образование
- Higher education (высшее образование) refers to education beyond the secondary level, typically provided by universities, colleges, or other higher education institutions. It encompasses undergraduate and graduate programs leading to the attainment of academic degrees.

3. Comprehensive education - Комплексное образование
- Comprehensive education (комплексное образование) refers to an educational approach that aims to provide a wide range of knowledge and skills to students. It emphasizes a holistic development of students" intellectual, social, and personal capacities.

4. Mandatory education - Обязательное образование
- Mandatory education (обязательное образование) is the period of schooling that is legally required for children and adolescents. It typically includes primary and secondary education and is compulsory up to a certain age or grade level.

5. Traditional education - Традиционное образование
- Traditional education (традиционное образование) refers to the conventional methods and practices of teaching and learning that have been followed for a long period of time. It often incorporates face-to-face instruction, textbooks, and teacher-centered approaches.

6. Professional training/education - Профессиональное обучение/образование
- Professional training/education (профессиональное обучение/образование) pertains to acquiring the knowledge, skills, and competencies needed for a specific profession or occupation. It focuses on developing practical expertise and preparing individuals for specific career paths.

7. Technical training - Техническое обучение
- Technical training (техническое обучение) refers to the acquisition of specific skills and knowledge related to technical fields such as engineering, technology, or trade occupations. It is often more hands-on and practical in nature.

8. Formal education - Формальное образование
- Formal education (формальное образование) refers to the structured and organized educational system provided by schools, colleges, and universities. It typically follows a predetermined curriculum and is recognized by educational authorities.

9. To foster, to facilitate learning - Способствовать, облегчать обучение
- To foster (способствовать) or facilitate learning (облегчать обучение) means to create an environment, provide resources, and support students in their learning process. It involves encouraging and enabling students to acquire knowledge and develop their skills effectively.

10. Costless education - Бесплатное образование
- Costless education (бесплатное образование) refers to education that is provided without any charge or fees. It may be funded by the government or other entities to make education accessible to all individuals regardless of their financial circumstances.

11. Inclusive education - Инклюзивное образование
- Inclusive education (инклюзивное образование) emphasizes providing equal educational opportunities for students with diverse abilities, including those with disabilities or special needs. It aims to create an inclusive and supportive learning environment for all students.

12. High school education - Среднее образование
- High school education (среднее образование) refers to the stage of education that follows primary education and precedes higher education. It typically includes grades 9-12 or ages 14-18, depending on the educational system.

13. Basic education - Базовое образование
- Basic education (базовое образование) refers to the foundational knowledge and skills that are essential for a person"s overall development. It usually includes primary education and may extend to lower secondary education.

14. Broad education - Широкое образование
- Broad education (широкое образование) refers to a comprehensive and diverse range of subjects and disciplines that students are exposed to during their educational journey. It aims to provide a well-rounded learning experience, covering different areas of knowledge.

15. Fundamental education - Основополагающее образование
- Fundamental education (основополагающее образование) refers to the essential foundational knowledge and skills that form the basis of further learning. It encompasses the core subjects and fundamental concepts necessary for intellectual development.
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