What are the favorite things they talked about at the party? Identify the words in brackets. - [e] pets, chess

What are the favorite things they talked about at the party? Identify the words in brackets.

- [e] pets, chess, cherries
- [ ] roses, photos, snow
- [ ] frogs, songs, hockey
- [ ] school, pools, zoos
- [ ] gum, fun, summer
- [ ] camps, apples, jam
- [ ] skates, plays, trains
- [ ] films, picnics, candy
- [ ] books, cookies, football
- [ ] fairies, hares, air
- [ ] towns, houses, clom
- [ ] bicycles, rides, prizes
- [ ] sports, horses, balls
- [ ] turkeys, turtles, birds
- [ ] sweets, cream, tea
- [ ] plants, dancing, parks
- [ ] music, computers, costumes


На вечеринке они говорили о своих любимых вещах. Из предложенных ответов, слова в квадратных скобках показывают, о чем именно они разговаривали. Таким образом, люди на вечеринке говорили о питомцах, шахматах и черешнях. Ответ: [e] pets, chess, cherries.
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