Выберите подходящий вариант из предложенных слов и вставьте его в предложение. XII. Выберите подходящий вариант

Выберите подходящий вариант из предложенных слов и вставьте его в предложение. XII. Выберите подходящий вариант из предложенных слов и вставьте его в предложение. 1. consideration/considered/considerable
A. A company must raise a considerable amount of capital in order to purchase these assets.
B. One of the primary considerations when going into business is money.
C. Before buying his new video, David considered every factor.
2. utilizes/utilization/utilizing
A. Utilizing finance is securing capital to start up, operate, and expand a company.
B. A company utilizes short-term capital to pay for items that last a relatively short period of time.
C. Every company considers the utilization of resources to achieve their goals.


для daily operations and long-term capital for strategic investments.
C. The efficient utilization of resources is crucial for sustainable development.
3. considerable/consideration/considerable
A. The success of a business often requires considerable effort and perseverance.
B. Taking environmental considerations into account is crucial for sustainable business practices.
C. In order to make an informed decision, it is important to give careful consideration to all available options.
4. utilizing/utilization/utilizes
A. Effective utilization of technology can greatly enhance business productivity.
B. A company utilizes its resources to meet customer demand and maximize profits.
C. The utilization of renewable energy sources is essential for reducing environmental impact.
5. consideration/considered/considerable
A. It is important to take all factors into consideration before making a financial investment.
B. Environmental impact is considered a significant factor in sustainable business practices.
C. The company"s success is attributed to the considerable amount of research and development invested in their products.

Это задание проверяет навыки использования слов по своему значению и контексту, а также способность применять их в предложении. В каждом из предложений нужно выбрать наилучшее слово для заполнения пропуска и обосновать свой выбор.
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