Tom can remember some things about his childhood, but he can t remember others. Rewrite the following sentences

Tom can remember some things about his childhood, but he can"t remember others. Rewrite the following sentences to complete them according to the given information about Tom"s memories:

1. He was in hospital when he was a small child. He can still remember this. He can remember being in the hospital when he was a small child.
2. He went to Paris with his parents when he was eight. He remembers this. He remembers going to Paris with his parents when he was eight.
3. He cried on his first day at school. He doesn"t remember this. He doesn"t remember crying on his first day at school.
4. Once he fell into the river. He can remember this. He can remember falling into the river.
5. He said he wanted to be a doctor. He can"t remember this. He can"t remember saying that he wanted to be a doctor.


он выиграл главный приз в лотерее. Он тоже не помнит об этом. Он не помнит, что однажды выиграл главный приз в лотерее.
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