The international magazine is requesting its readers to submit articles describing their preferred sport. Utilize your

The international magazine is requesting its readers to submit articles describing their preferred sport. Utilize your responses from exercise 4 to compose your articles (60-80 words). Adhere to the outline provided.


Title: "My Favorite Sport: Tennis"

Tennis is my favorite sport, both to watch and play. The game requires agility, strategy, and precision, making it an incredibly thrilling and engaging sport. In this article, I will highlight the reasons why tennis holds a special place in my heart.

1. Physical Fitness:
Playing tennis helps me stay fit and active. The intense rallies, quick movements, and constant footwork keep my body in shape. It is an excellent cardiovascular workout that improves stamina, coordination, and flexibility.

2. Mental Stimulation:
Tennis is not just physically demanding but also mentally stimulating. Each point requires strategic thinking, decision-making, and problem-solving. Analyzing the opponent"s shots, adjusting my position on the court, and planning my shots all contribute to keeping my mind sharp.

3. Sense of Achievement:
Successfully executing a powerful serve, an accurate forehand, or a well-placed drop shot gives me an incredible sense of accomplishment. The feeling of mastering a particular technique or winning a tough match is indescribable and motivates me to continually improve.

4. Sportsmanship:
One crucial aspect of tennis is sportsmanship. It teaches me to respect opponents, follow rules, and display fair play at all times. Whether it"s shaking hands after a match or acknowledging a great shot, tennis emphasizes the importance of exhibiting good sportsmanship.

Tennis is more than just a sport for me; it is a way of life. The combination of physical fitness, mental stimulation, sense of achievement, and sportsmanship make it an ideal sport. By participating in tennis, I not only enjoy the game but also nurture valuable life skills. I encourage everyone to try playing tennis and experience the joy it brings.
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