Test Select the appropriate answer. Only one option is correct. When Dick left school at 18 years old, he had dreams

Test Select the appropriate answer. Only one option is correct. When Dick left school at 18 years old, he had dreams of becoming an artist because he had a passion for painting. However, his parents had different plans for him and wanted him to study languages. One summer morning, Dick arrived in Richmond, a suburb of London, in search of a temporary job to save money for his future travels. He visited the local library with the hope of finding employment there, but his efforts were in vain. As Dick was walking away from the library, he noticed a distressed and vulnerable woman across the road. With a sense of urgency, he crossed the street to assist her.


the street. She seemed to be in trouble and was asking for help. Without hesitation, Dick crossed the street to assist her.

The woman introduced herself as Mary, a local artist who had lost her painting supplies and needed them urgently for an upcoming exhibition. She explained that she had accidentally left them in a taxi the previous night and had been searching for them frantically ever since. Dick immediately offered his assistance, determined to help Mary retrieve her precious art supplies.

To begin their search, Dick suggested retracing Mary"s steps from the previous night. They went back to the spot where she had taken the taxi, hoping to find some clues. Surprisingly, they discovered a small notebook lying on the ground. Mary recognized it as hers and quickly opened it to check for any useful information.

Inside the notebook, Mary found a written address of the taxi company. With this lead in hand, Dick and Mary hurried to the taxi company"s office, hoping to find someone who might remember the driver from the previous night. Luckily, they were able to locate the driver, who remembered taking Mary as a passenger and confirmed that she had left her painting supplies in his taxi.

With the help of the taxi driver, they tracked down the location of the lost supplies. They were stored at the taxi company"s lost and found department. Mary"s face lit up with relief and gratitude as she retrieved her beloved painting materials.

In gratitude for his help, Mary offered to mentor Dick in the art of painting and introduced him to local art exhibitions, galleries, and artists. This experience not only reignited Dick"s passion for art but also helped him realize that pursuing his dreams was possible with determination and the support of others.

Therefore, the correct answer to the question would be:

Dick crossed the street to assist Mary, who needed help finding her lost painting supplies.
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