Test 14. Complete the gaps in the following text by using an appropriate form of the words given at the end

Test 14. Complete the gaps in the following text by using an appropriate form of the words given at the end of the lines. The (1) introduction of fingerprints occurred in Britain in 1901 and proved (2) to be systematized. In 1930, Scotland Yard established its first usage (3) system to enable officers to compare fingerprints discovered at the (4) crime scene with those of individuals (4) already known to the police. The advancement of fingerprint technology has progressed (5) since then. Various types of powder are now utilized to (6) capture the impression of the fingerprint"s pattern before it is obtained. Another (7) significant change has occurred in the manner


doing further analysis. These powders, such as carbon or magnetic, are applied to the surface where the fingerprint is located. The powder adheres to the moisture or oils left behind by the fingerprint, making it visible and easier to examine.

Next, a lifting tape is carefully pressed onto the powdered fingerprint to transfer it onto a different surface, such as a piece of clear adhesive tape or a card. This allows the fingerprint to be preserved and transported for closer examination.

Once the fingerprint is secured, it undergoes a detailed analysis. Experts examine the pattern and unique characteristics of the fingerprint, including the arrangement of ridges, loops, and whorls. These features are compared to a database of fingerprints to determine whether there is a match with any known individuals.

The process of comparing fingerprints involves looking for similarities in ridge patterns, bifurcations, and ridge endings. These details are carefully examined under magnification, and automated systems can also assist in the comparison process by analyzing and matching key features of the fingerprints.

If a match is found, it can provide valuable evidence linking the fingerprint to a particular individual. Fingerprints are unique to each person, and the chances of two individuals having identical fingerprints are extremely low, making them a reliable form of evidence in criminal investigations.

In conclusion, the introduction of fingerprints as a systematic method of identification dates back to 1901 in Britain. Since then, fingerprint technology has advanced significantly, with the use of various powders to capture and enhance the visibility of fingerprints. The analysis of fingerprints involves comparing the patterns and unique characteristics of the prints to identify potential matches in a carefully maintained database.
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