Test 1. Round-Up Lessons. 4th grade. Variant I. I. Rearrange the words to form sentences. 1. Denis is making

Test 1. Round-Up Lessons. 4th grade. Variant I. I. Rearrange the words to form sentences. 1. Denis is making the bed. 2. My Mum is having a shower. 3. The girls are watering the plants. 4. The boys are not washing the dishes. 5. Sally is not drawing the kites. 6. Is it snowing outside? 7. Are the children playing baseball? II. Create questions and answer them. 1. Can I open the window? Yes, you may. 2. May I have some coffee? 3. Will we go to the cinema? No. 4. Do we watch TV at night? No. III. Select the correct preposition. 1. The cat is climbing onto.


1. Denis is making the bed.
- Denis делает кровать.

2. My Mum is having a shower.
- Моя мама принимает душ.

3. The girls are watering the plants.
- Девочки поливают растения.

4. The boys are not washing the dishes.
- Мальчики не моют посуду.

5. Sally is not drawing the kites.
- Салли не рисует воздушные змеи.

6. Is it snowing outside?
- Идет ли снег на улице?

7. Are the children playing baseball?
- Дети играют в бейсбол?

II. Create questions and answer them. / II. Создайте вопросы и ответьте на них.

1. Can I open the window? Yes, you may.
- Могу ли я открыть окно? Да, ты можешь.

2. May I have some coffee?
- Можно мне выпить кофе?

3. Will we go to the cinema? No.
- Пойдем ли мы в кино? Нет.

4. Do we watch TV at night? No.
- Смотрим ли мы телевизор ночью? Нет.

III. Select the correct preposition. / III. Выберите правильное предлог.

1. The cat is climbing onto... / Кошка забирается на...

a) the roof. / крышу.
b) the floor. / пол.
c) the table. / стол.

- The cat is climbing onto the table. / Кошка забирается на стол.
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