Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the first term of Grade 7 Objectives 7.R1: Comprehend the key ideas in texts

Tasks for the Summative Assessment for the first term of Grade 7 Objectives 7.R1: Comprehend the key ideas in texts on a narrow selection of unfamiliar general and curricular topics. 7.R3: Understand the intricacies of an argument on an expanding range of familiar general and curricular topics, including longer texts. 7.W3: Write with reasonable grammatical precision on a limited selection of familiar general and curricular topics. 7.W8: Correctly spell most commonly used vocabulary for a growing range of familiar general and curricular topics. Reading Task. Review the article regarding mobile phones.


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Задание: Задача на итоговую оценку за первый семестр 7-го класса. Цели: 7.R1 - Понимать ключевые идеи текстов по узкому выбору незнакомых общих и учебных тем. 7.R3 - Понимать тонкости аргументации по разнообразным знакомым общим и учебным темам, включая более длинные тексты. 7.W3 - Писать с приемлемой грамматической точностью на ограниченный выбор знакомых общих и учебных тем. 7.W8 - Правильно писать наиболее часто используемую лексику по разнообразным знакомым общим и учебным темам. Чтение. Ознакомьтесь с статьей, касающейся...

To fulfill the reading task, there are several steps we can take to comprehend the article thoroughly.

Step 1: Skimming
The first step is to skim through the article quickly to get a general idea of its content. Look for headings, subheadings, bold or italicized text, and any highlighted information. Skimming helps us understand the structure and main points of the article.

Step 2: Scanning
Next, we perform a more detailed scan of the article. This means reading the article more carefully, focusing on the introduction, conclusion, topic sentences, and any highlighted or emphasized details. Scanning allows us to identify key ideas and arguments presented in the article.

Step 3: Highlighting
While scanning, it"s essential to highlight important information, such as key arguments, relevant examples, or supporting evidence. This helps us identify and remember significant details while reading the article.

Step 4: Annotating
To deepen our understanding, we can annotate the article"s margins or use sticky notes to jot down thoughts, questions, or connections to other topics. Annotating improves active reading and engagement with the text.

Step 5: Summarizing
To comprehend the article fully, we need to summarize its main points. Start by identifying the article"s thesis statement or main argument, and then summarize each paragraph or section using concise and accurate language. Focus on including the most important information while omitting unnecessary details.

Step 6: Reflecting
After summarizing the article, take a moment to reflect on your understanding. Ask yourself if you grasped the main ideas, if any concepts are still unclear, or if you have any unanswered questions. Reflection helps solidify comprehension and can guide further research if needed.

Throughout the reading process, it"s crucial to pay attention to the article"s structure, language, and any rhetorical devices employed by the writer. This allows us to analyze the author"s intentions and the effectiveness of their arguments.

Remember, reading is an active process that requires engagement and critical thinking. By following these steps, you"ll be able to comprehend the article thoroughly and meet the objectives mentioned at the beginning of this task.

Please let me know if you need further assistance or if there"s anything else I can help you with!
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