Task 2. Read the text. Determine which of the given statements 1-7 correspond to the content of the text (a - True

Task 2. Read the text. Determine which of the given statements 1-7 correspond to the content of the text (a - True), which do not correspond (b - False), and what is not mentioned in the text, that is, based on the text, you cannot give a positive or negative answer (c - Not stated). THE QUEEN’S DAY IS ALWAYS BUSY. Queen Elizabeth II has a busy schedule throughout the day. The Queen"s day begins at 8:30 am. Before breakfast, she typically enjoys a cup of Earl Grey tea, which is poured into a china cup from silver pots. She likes to listen to BBC Radio 4"s Today program. In her dressing


Task 2. Read the text. Determine which of the given statements 1-7 correspond to the content of the text (a - True), which do not correspond (b - False), and what is not mentioned in the text, that is, based on the text, you cannot give a positive or negative answer (c - Not stated).

Statement 1: The Queen"s day is always busy.
Answer: a - True. The text mentions that Queen Elizabeth II has a busy schedule throughout the day.

Statement 2: The Queen"s day begins at 8:30 am.
Answer: a - True. The text states that the Queen"s day begins at 8:30 am.

Statement 3: The Queen enjoys a cup of Earl Grey tea before breakfast.
Answer: a - True. The text states that she typically enjoys a cup of Earl Grey tea before breakfast.

Statement 4: The Queen"s tea is poured into a china cup from silver pots.
Answer: a - True. The text mentions that her tea is poured into a china cup from silver pots.

Statement 5: The Queen likes to listen to BBC Radio 4"s Today program.
Answer: a - True. The text states that she likes to listen to BBC Radio 4"s Today program.

Statement 6: The Queen"s breakfast is not mentioned in the text.
Answer: c - Not stated. The text does not mention anything about the Queen"s breakfast.

Statement 7: The Queen"s dressing routine is not mentioned in the text.
Answer: c - Not stated. The text does not mention anything about the Queen"s dressing routine.

Утверждение 1: а - Истинно.
Утверждение 2: а - Истинно.
Утверждение 3: а - Истинно.
Утверждение 4: а - Истинно.
Утверждение 5: а - Истинно.
Утверждение 6: c - Не указано.
Утверждение 7: c - Не указано.
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