Task 2: Match sentences 13-20 below with paragraphs A-F of the text. The History of BMX Biking A. BMX biking originated

Task 2: Match sentences 13-20 below with paragraphs A-F of the text. The History of BMX Biking

A. BMX biking originated in southern California during the late 1960s. Inspired by the sport of motocross, which has been around since 1924 and involves racing motorcycles on rugged tracks, children began imitating motocross riders by racing their own bicycles on self-built tracks. This new type of bike racing was dubbed bicycle motocross, or BMX.

B. A film titled "On Any Sunday," which focused on motocross, was released in July 1971. This movie featured a group of youngsters characterized by their passion for motocross and their desire to emulate their favorite riders. These kids often rode their bikes on improvised tracks and brought attention to the emerging BMX biking trend.

C. In the 1970s, BMX racing began to gain popularity in the United States. Sanctioned events and competitions started to take place, attracting participants from various regions. The sport"s popularity continued to grow, leading to the establishment of organized BMX associations and the construction of purpose-built tracks.

D. During the 1980s, BMX biking experienced a boom in popularity worldwide. The sport expanded beyond the United States and gained a global following. Professional BMX riders emerged, achieving fame and recognition for their skills and performances. The availability of commercial BMX bikes and equipment also contributed to the sport"s growth.

E. The 1990s marked a period of evolution and diversification for BMX biking. New disciplines within the sport emerged, such as freestyle BMX and street riding. These variations focused on performing tricks and stunts, further expanding the possibilities of what could be done on a BMX bike.

F. In the present day, BMX biking remains a popular and influential sport across the globe. It continues to evolve with advancements in technology and constantly pushes the boundaries of what is possible on a bicycle. BMX competitions, professional riders, and a dedicated community of enthusiasts all contribute to the sport"s enduring appeal.


страстью к велоспорту и безумными трюками на велосипедах. Именно это видео показало BMX-велосипедистов широкой аудитории и сподвигло многих молодых людей присоединиться к этому новому и захватывающему вида спорта. C. In the following years, BMX biking gained popularity and began to develop its own identity. The first BMX-specific track was built in 1972 in California, leading to the establishment of BMX racing associations and organized competitions. BMX bikes also underwent design changes to better suit the demands of the sport, with stronger frames, smaller wheels, and improved components. D. In the 1980s, BMX biking continued to grow and evolve. The sport became more diverse, with various disciplines such as freestyle BMX, where riders perform tricks and stunts, gaining popularity. The first BMX freestyle competition was held in 1982, marking the beginning of a new era for the sport. E. BMX biking expanded beyond the borders of the United States and began to gain international recognition. The International BMX Federation (IBMXF) was established in 1981 to oversee the sport on a global scale and organize World Championships. BMX biking was included as an official Olympic sport in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, further solidifying its status and bringing it to the attention of a worldwide audience. F. Today, BMX biking is a widely recognized and respected sport. It has a vibrant professional circuit with top athletes competing in events such as the X Games and the UCI BMX Supercross World Cup. The sport continues to evolve with new tricks and innovative riding styles pushing the boundaries of what is possible on a bike. BMX biking also remains popular among amateur riders, who enjoy the thrill and excitement of this dynamic and adrenaline-fueled activity.

13 - A
14 - B
15 - C
16 - D
17 - E
18 - F
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