Task 1. Understand and interpret the text, translate it and determine if the statements given are accurate

Task 1. Understand and interpret the text, translate it and determine if the statements given are accurate or inaccurate.
Our commitment is to ensure the protection of your privacy as a visitor to our website. This policy outlines the manner in which we will handle your personal information. We may gather data regarding your computer and visits to this website, including your IP address, location, type of browser, referral source, duration of visit, and number of page views. We may utilize this information to maintain the website, enhance its user-friendliness, and for marketing pursuits.


и improve its content. We also collect personal information that you voluntarily provide, such as your name and email address, when you sign up for our newsletter or submit a contact form. This information is used for communication purposes and to provide you with relevant updates and promotional material if you have opted to receive them.

To ensure the security of your personal information, we have implemented various measures, such as encryption and secure servers, to protect against unauthorized access or disclosure. However, please note that no method of transmission over the internet or electronic storage is entirely secure. While we strive to protect your personal information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

Regarding the accuracy of the statements:

1. The website collects information about the visitor"s computer, including the IP address, location, and type of browser. (Accurate)
2. The website does not collect any personal information. (Inaccurate)
3. The collected personal information is used solely for communication purposes. (Accurate)
4. The website guarantees the absolute security of the collected personal information. (Inaccurate)

Please let me know if you would like me to explain anything further or clarify any other doubts you may have.
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