Rewrite the sentences. e.g. My grandmother had a profession in nursing and her place of work was the hospital

Rewrite the sentences. e.g. My grandmother had a profession in nursing and her place of work was the hospital. Similarly, my grandfather had a career as a cook and he was employed at the 2 My grandmother pursued a profession as a doctor and her work environment was a 3 Both my grandmother and grandfather"s professions were in teaching and they were employed as educators.


Моей бабушке необходимо было работать в области медицины, и ее местом работы была больница. Аналогично, мой дедушка выбрал профессию повара и трудился в ресторане. Моя бабушка стремилась стать врачом и работала в медицинском учреждении. Рабочая обстановка для нее была представлена больницей. Оба моих бабушки и дедушки избрали преподавательскую профессию и работали педагогами.
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