Rewrite Tessa s postcard to Angela and fill in the missing words. Use only one word in each blank. We re currently

Rewrite Tessa"s postcard to Angela and fill in the missing words. Use only one word in each blank.

We"re currently experiencing a fantastic time at this location. The scenery is breathtaking, and the sun is currently (1) shining brightly. Recently, I had the opportunity to go water-skiing! What are your thoughts (2) about that? Currently, I"m sitting at a table in our hotel room and writing a few postcards. The room is satisfactory, but we haven"t been enjoying the food very much. However, that doesn"t (5) matter because we go (6) out to a restaurant every evening. Both of us are currently feeling quite lazy. I tend to wake (8) up fairly late in the morning, and Nigel tends (9) to wake up even later. As you already know, Nigel"s job is incredibly important to him and (10) how dedicated he is to it.


очень рады, что решили отправить открытки. Каждый день мы (7) исследуем и наслаждаемся яркими и прекрасными местами. Как бы ни были заняты, мы всегда находим время, чтобы познакомиться с новыми людьми и узнать больше о (8) местных традициях. Надеюсь, что ты также наслаждаешься своими каникулами и интересно проводишь время. Жду с нетерпением твоего ответа и до скорой встречи!

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